Join us Thursday evening, August 24th from 7-8:30pm as we welcome Jeff Schulte—author, former pastor, licensed counselor, & founder of Tin Man Ministries—to the Midtown 12 South Sanctuary for a night that will focus on the heart. Whether healthy or unhealthy, Proverbs 4 tells us that everything we do flows from it. And our greatest need, as those made in God’s image and called to love him with all of it, is to be known and loved fully through connection—with our Lord, ourselves, and others.
Similar to last summer’s Recovery Seminar, we seek to encourage, educate, and engage through teaching & panel discussion. Jeff will teach about the theological, relational, and neurobiological aspects that have disrupted our healthy connections. And then he will outline the path to healing through our feelings & stories with emotional & relational maturity. And, for those who seek further growth & community, we’ll offer applications for our next round of Midtown Recovery Groups (launching again this fall).Register now to join us for the evening!