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12 South Waverly Belmont Service Launch

Sunday, September 15, 2024
10:00 - 11:00 AM


We are so excited as the Waverly Belmont Service gets closer to the launch date of September 15! On launch day we will have our first worship service at 10am in the Waverly Belmont Elementary gym. Look for signs and volunteers who will show you where to go. Please stay after the service for popsicles and getting to know one another. We hope to see you at 10am on Sunday, September 15!

If you are planning to attend the 10am Waverly Belmont service and are looking to get involved, we are looking for people to serve on Sundays. Click here for details and to let us know you are interested! If you have any questions about the new service at Waverly Belmont, please reach out to Erin McCabe.