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12 South Wholehearted Living: An Evening of Community and Conversation

Thursday, August 22, 2024
7:00 - 8:30 PM


Join us Thursday evening, August 22 from 7-8:30pm as we welcome licensed counselor and singer-songwriter Jill (Phillips) Gullahorn for a night that will focus on deepening our emotional maturity. Jill and her husband Andy spend decades writing and performing music with unique depth and authenticity, and share a passion for fostering growth through confessional community.

We are blessed to have Jill come and share from her experience and expertise about how the gospel drives our understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and our place in the world.

This will be our third seminar hosted by the Recovery Ministry- open to all inside and outside of our community- to encourage, educate and engage through teaching and discussion. And for those who seek further growth and community, we will offer applications for our next round of Midtown Recovery Groups (launching again this fall).

Register now to join us for the evening!


12 South Campus
2415 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204

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