
The nursery is for children from birth through 16 months. Children will experience God’s love as they engage in a nurturing and caring environment.


The toddler room is for children 17 months through 2 years old. Children will explore and learn how God’s love is experienced in relationship with his word and with one another.

3-4 year olds

In this class, children will learn about God’s redemptive story as they engage in worship with one another, hear bible stories, and participate in fun hands-on experiences.

5 year olds-1st Grade

This class is for children who are 5 years old up to attending 1st Grade. In class children will be reminded of God’s rescue plan.

2nd-5th Grade

Children 2nd-5th Grade will dive deeper into God’s word, discuss how to apply it, and explore how it affects the way they live out their faith in relationship with others.

What to expect

  • Drop-Off

    • Parents will go to designated kiosks to print child’s name tag and parent badge. Parents with multiple children, please check in at designated Kiosk for oldest child.
      • Nursery Area Kiosk – (0 – 4 years old)
      • Preschool Kiosk by the 5 year old/Kindergarten room – (Pre-K/Kindergarten)
      • Elementary Kiosk in the Downstairs Venue (1st – 3rd grade)
    • Parents will escort each child to their classrooms. Parents must have printed name tag and parent badge before dropping child off at their classroom.
  • Pick-Up

    • Parents will pick up children in their classrooms.
    • A parent badge must be presented in order to pick up your child. If parents are picking up more than one child, please make sure you have the parent badge for each child’s pick up.
    • If you have lost your parent badge, you must retrieve a new one from the Nursery or Preschool Kiosk.
  • Safety & Security

    • During the 9am, 10am, and 11am service, we are serving babies – 5th Grade.
    • Masks are optional for all children.
    • Children will use hand sanitizer upon arrival.
    • Each room will be cleaned before and after children’s programming.
    • Ours is a well-child ministry, so please be sure your kids are free of the following symptoms for 24 hours: fever, runny nose, chronic cough, throat infections, diarrhea or any contagious illness.
How to Volunteer

We Need You!

Sunday mornings can’t happen without your help! As we continue to transition back into full-capacity services and Kidtown, we need volunteers to help us. Please click on the link below to sign up and Sarah Norberg our Kidtown Director will follow up with more information!

SIGN UP for 9am or 11am