Midtown is a church led by a team of elders (also known as the “session”)—some of whom are your pastors, others are members nominated from within the congregation, by members of the congregation. Our current elders have been examined, interviewed, assessed and voted on by our Midtown movement. These men meet the elder qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
The work of the Session is carried out by various commissions and committees. Administrative Commission is focused on the business of the church and oversees the Human Resources, Finance and Governance Committees. The Church Discipline Committee reports directly to the Session. Each congregation has a Congregational Care Commission that is responsible for the shepherding and pastoral care of their congregation.
Midtown is a church led by a team of elders (also known as the “session”)—some of whom are your pastors, others are members nominated from within the congregation, by members of the congregation. Our current elders have been examined, interviewed, assessed and voted on by our Midtown movement. These men meet the elder qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
The work of the Session is carried out by various commissions and committees. Administrative Commission is focused on the business of the church and oversees the Human Resources, Finance and Governance Committees. The Church Discipline Committee reports directly to the Session. Each congregation has a Congregational Care Commission that is responsible for the shepherding and pastoral care of their congregation.