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Crieve Hall Women’s Study of Isaiah

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
7:00 - 8:30 PM


Isaiah. A prophet who urgently calls God’s people to turn from their own ways and come back to the Lord, their God who loves them.  Isaiah asks God’s people to care for the poor & needy, to commit to following God’s ways, and to pursue social and economic justice.  Isaiah also speaks of promised restoration & renewal of a ‘servant’ whose personal sacrifice brings healing (Jesus!). Join us as we lean into the book of Isaiah with all its mystery and wonder!

This is a Women’s Bible Study, and ALL women are welcome! You will need to purchase the study guide written by Sarah Ivill “The Holy One of Israel.” You can purchase it on Amazon for $15. This is an 11-week study starting Wednesday, January 25 at Treva Gordon’s house. Register above for the full listing of dates and address.

Please join us!