KidCare | 0–3 years
We have 11+ volunteers in Art Room #2 and the Round Wing guiding your little ones through our play and comfort program (no formal programming) so you can enjoy Sunday Service.
We love your children and spending Sunday mornings with them. It is both an honor and a privilege. We offer KidCare (0–3yr) and KidChurch (4yr–5th grade) which focus on meeting the needs of each specific age group.
Interested in serving in Kidtown? Click below.
We love your children and spending Sunday mornings with them. It is both an honor and a privilege. We offer KidCare (0–3yr) and KidChurch (4yr–5th grade) which focus on meeting the needs of each specific age group.
Interested in serving in Kidtown? Click below.
Each week we have childcare for our babies up to age 3. This consists of providing a safe place for them to be watched over and played with.
We are actively searching for paid workers for this age group who can provide friendly and consistent faces for our families of young children. If you know someone who might be interested, send them the link to apply.
Our children ages 4yr–PreK participate in an active learning environment focused on a weekly lesson/Bible verse, craft, and games.
Our elementary kids (K–5th) are led to discover and engage with God and His word through stories, group discussion, memorization, and creative response. Much of what our children study in KidChurch is aligned with the current sermon series being taught so that families can partake and immerse themselves in the same parts of God’s Word together on Sundays and throughout the week.
We have 11+ volunteers in Art Room #2 and the Round Wing guiding your little ones through our play and comfort program (no formal programming) so you can enjoy Sunday Service.
We have 3 volunteers in Art Room #1 teaching your children lessons from the Bible using a prepared curriculum.
Our volunteers instruct your kids in the back hall from 10:15 to 11:10am using an in-house curriculum.
We take the safety and security of your children very seriously. We want you to know what to expect when you check your child into Kidtown. Below are two resources for parents and volunteers.
Check-In is located in the Main Lobby by the Kidtown classrooms. We have three check-in stations available.
If you’re a first time visitor, tell us ahead of time that you’re coming and it will speed up the check-in process.
Please read the Safety Protocols regarding our updated drop-off and pick-up policies.
We need 14 volunteers per week in Kidtown (0–PreK). We need an additional 4 volunteers for Elementary, and we’d love for you to join us! If you have not had a background check this will need to be done before you can volunteer. If you’d like to volunteer in KidCare or KidChurch, fill out this form or contact Pauli Wear to start the process.